
My Super Power is My Tenacity and My Personal Mantra is This is the Moment to Begin



Experienced strategist and product manager with over a decade of experience on end to end project lifecycles. Whether it’s establishing or evolving team process, I’m always challenging the status quo and driving forward data backed solutions. A strong believer in diverse, cross-functional and empowered teams.


Throughout my career I’ve focused on these five fundamental skills:

1) Leadership and Communication 

2) Organization

  • Identifying project goals, needs, and scope of work
  • Planning sprints, monitoring, and documenting tasks throughout a project
  • Managing resources necessary for project execution

3) Problem Solving 

  • Creatively work to resolve issues 
  • Incorporating data and research into a seamless process 

4) Adaptability 

  • Strategically eliminating blockers and limiting potential risks

5) Time Management and Team Motivation 

  • Delivering top-quality results and success for a project
  • Ensuring all tasks, deliverables, and project materials are delivered promptly by making sure stakeholders and team members are motivated throughout the lifecylce. 

My Skills

  • Project Management 97% 97%
  • Database Management 90% 90%
  • Logos & Branding 90% 90%
  • Team Management 95% 95%
  • Problem Solving 99% 99%
  • Strategy 99% 99%
  • E-Commerce 93% 93%
  • Employee Development 99% 99%
  • Business Intelligence 95% 95%
  • Email Marketing 97% 97%
